Event Series Clases de Inglés

Clases de Inglés

Mcminnville Public Library 225 NW Adams Street, McMinnville, OR, United States

Dos veces al mes, viernes | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | McMinnville Public Library | English Classes

Únase a nosotros con un instructor de ESL de Goodwill y aprende inglés gratis como segundo idioma. Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No es necesario registrarse.

Event Series Tween Hangout

Tween Hangout

Mcminnville Community Center 600 NE Evans Street, Mcminnville, OR, United States

Tweens, grades 3rd-5th, can come to hang out, play games and socialize.

Event Series Read to a Dog

Read to a Dog

Mcminnville Public Library 225 NW Adams Street, McMinnville, OR, United States

Children learning to read are invited to spend 10 minutes reading aloud to a certified therapy dog.
Dogs are friendly and make no judgments regarding mispronunciations. ;) Bring your own book, or borrow one from the library.


Financial Literacy for Adults

Mcminnville Public Library 225 NW Adams Street, McMinnville, OR, United States

Learn from Embold Credit Union members how to safeguard your personal information to protect against identity theft, fraud, and scams. Understand common tactics used by scammers, steps to take if you become a victim, and best practices for maintaining online security and privacy.

Educación financiera para adultos

15 de febrero, 3 pm - 4 pm, Sala Carnegie

Aprende con los miembros de Embold Credit Union cómo salvaguardar su información personal para protegerla contra el robo de identidad, el fraude y las estafas. Comprende las tácticas comunes utilizadas por los estafadores, los pasos para seguir si se convierte en víctima y las mejores prácticas para mantener la seguridad y privacidad en línea.

Event Series Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Mcminnville Community Center 600 NE Evans Street, Mcminnville, OR, United States

Classes will help students develop confidence, mental focus, physical conditioning, and self-defense skills while working through basic stances, movement, kicks, punches, and techniques for the art of Kempo Karate.

Event Series Bluegrass Jam Session

Bluegrass Jam Session

Wolves and People Farmhouse Brewery 30203 NE Benjamin Rd., Newberg, OR, United States

Whether you're a player or a listener, you're welcome at the Springbrook Farm for a bluegrass jam session! Every Thursday, Wolves & People hosts a bluegrass jam session at the farm where players can enjoy a laid-back playing experience with some of the finest musicians this side of the Willamette, and listeners are treated to a free show with a pint of delicious farmhouse beer in their hands.


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